Medication Dispensing

We dispense drugs daily by delivering them directly to each nursing station via our own contracted couriers. 


We dispense drugs daily by delivering them directly to each nursing station via our own contracted couriers. 

Medications are pre-packaged for each resident, and stored on a Skilled Care-provided medication delivery cart customized to your facility's needs, reducing staff time spent handling medications. All resident medications are tracked electronically to simplify reordering.

Customized records management

Our integrated information management system generates medical records for each facility and resident, updated daily.

Custom-designed medication administration records document:

  • Medication therapy
  • Specific diagnosis
  • International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes, side effects and more

Skilled Care also provides customized management report documenting:

  • Medication history
  • Laboratory and diet orders
  • Summary by drug class and more

For non-routine drug administration, we maintain an Emergency Medication Kit and/or automated dispensing unit in each facility. We keep in place all the appropriate controls to maintain the safety and integrity of this service.

For every prescription we recommend adding, we suggest discontinuing 13. 

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